tunneling protocol to encapsulate wide variety of packet types "virtual P2P link"
Characteristics of GRE
protocol-type field in header - supports encapsulation of any L3 protocol
IP protocol 47
stateless, no flow control
no strong security
GRE header + tunneling IP header = at least 24 bytes of overhead
Router 2 configuration
interface Tunnel1
ip address !! 'inner' tunnel IP
tunnel source Loopback0 !! source int on R1
tunnel destination !! IP of R2
R1# show interfaces Tunnel1
Tunnel1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Tunnel
Encapsulation TUNNEL
Tunnel source (Loopback0), destination
Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP
Tunnel TTl 255, Fast tunneling enabled
Tunnel transport MTU 1476 bytes
4.2 Describe DMVPN (single hub)
combines mGRE tunnels, IPsec encryption, and NHRP
less configuration on hub (single mGRE tunnel)
NHRP to support dynamic IPsec tunnels
supports DHCP spokes
mGRE: single GRE interface can support multiple GRE tunnels
requires NHRP to learn peer's address and build dynamic tunnels
client registers it's inner (tunnel) and outer (physical) addresses
NHRP query can be used for spoke-to-spoke communication
Verifying NHRP
# show ip nhrp, tunnel 100 created 0:00:10 expire 1:59:49
Type: dynamic Flags: authoratative ! authoratative includes a next-hop server provided the NHRP information
NBMA address: 10.1111.1111.1111
IPSec: provides security
Provides 4 services
Confidentiality (encryption) - no eavesdropping (uses encryption)
Data integrity - verify data isn't changed in path (uses checksums)
Authentication - ensures connection with desired partner (uses IKE)
Antireplay protection - verify each packet is unique/not duplicated (compare packet's seq # w/ sliding window on destination - drop late/duplicate pkts)
Authentication (PSK or certificates) / encryption - important for DMVPN
Relies on Authentication Header (AH) protocol 51, or Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP) protocol 50
ESP - encrypts original packet
AH - no encryption
AH & ESP - can operate in tunnel mode or transport mode
Transport mode - uses packet's original IP header, instead of an additional tunnel header. Works well when increasing packet size is an issue. (typical in client-to-site VPN)
Tunnel mode - encapsulates the entire packet, so encapsulated packet has a new (IPSec header). Src/Dst reflects the VPN termination devices (typical in site-to-site VPN)
Verifying IPSec
show crypto ipsec sa
interface: GigabitEthernet0/0
Crypto map tag: outside_map, local addr
local ident (addr/mask/prot/port) (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port) (
current peer:
local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
inbound esp sas:
transform: esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
outbound esp sas
transform: esp-3des esp-md5-hmac ,
4.3 Describe Easy Virtual Networking (EVN)
provides traffic separation and path isolation
simplify L3 virtaulization
improve support for shared services
enhance management/troubleshooting
uses VRF-lite to simplify Layer 3 virtualization
traditional VRF-lite requires one subinterface per VRF throughout the datapath
Use vnet trunk instead of multiple subinterfaces
Route replication improves shared services
Traditionally - BGP with import/export is required
Link routes from a shared VRF to several segmented VRFs
Not dependant on BGP route target / route distriguisher
Removes duplicate routing talbes/routes
Routing context command allows 'troubleshooting within the VRF'
# routing-context vrf red doesn't require 'VRF' to be specified in commands
R1%red# show ip route short for R1# show ip route vrf red